Terms and Conditions
Last modification: 07/06/2022
The “SARACAKIS BROTHERS COMMERCIAL INDUSTRIAL AND TRANSPORT COMPANY SOCIETE ANONYME” (hereinafter the “Company”) welcomes you and informs you as to the Terms and Conditions of Use of its website komatsuequipment.gr. The purpose of the Company is to inform you about Komatsu products and services.
The use of the komatsuequipment.gr website presupposes the unconditional acceptance of the following terms and conditions of use, which apply to the entire website. Consequently, the user/visitor must carefully read the following terms and conditions before accessing, browsing and/or using this website.
The Company may at any time amend the terms and conditions of use of this website, and the user/visitor must check for any changes and if they continue the use, it is assumed that they accept the modified terms and conditions. Otherwise they must refrain from using/visiting the website.
User/visitor obligations
The user/visitor of the website must comply with all provisions governing telecommunications and refrain from any unlawful and abusive use of the content and services of this website.
They must also behave decently, politely and discreetly during the use/visit of this website, as well as use the data and services provided to them in a lawful manner and in accordance with good faith and the principles of morality. Any damage that might be caused to the Company or the website or the Network in general, resulting from the misuse or unfair use of the relevant services by the user/visitor falls under their sole responsibility.
Website use and access license
Access to this website is provided only for the purpose of proper use of the services provided. Under no circumstances is any distortion of part or all of the website allowed. No part of this website may be reproduced for any reason. Also, no part of the website, including logos, trademarks, or registrations, protected by the intellectual property rights of the Company or third parties, unless otherwise stated, may appear anywhere other than this website, unless written permission has been granted by the Company. Access to this website is permitted, provided that users do not interfere, or attempt to interfere with any part of the website content.
Limitation of liability
The Company, without providing a warranty, makes every effort, regarding the accuracy of the information that it makes available to the users/visitors of its website. However, the website may contain inaccuracies and typographical errors.
The Company shall not be liable for any damage caused to the user/visitor out of the use of this website. The information and services are provided on an “as is” basis, without any express or deemed warranty.
The Company does not warrant that this website will operate continuously and without errors and/or deficiencies, that any such errors/deficiences will be corrected occasionally or that it will be compatible with the user computer, hardware and software. Moreover the Company does not warrant the absence of “viruses”, whether it is the present website or another site or server through which you receive its content.
The use of this website is at your own risk. The Company, its employees and managers, agents or any third party involved in the creation, production or publication of this website shall not be liable for any direct damage, indirect damage, non-material loss, actual damage (damnum emergens), incidental damage (lucrum cessans), future damage or other kind of damage that derives from or linked to the use of the website or its content.
Exclusion of advice
The content provided to users/visitors through our website is by no means, directly or indirectly, an incentive, advice or encouragement to carry out any action but it is at the discretion of users/visitors to evaluate what is provided to them and to act on the basis of their own will, excluding any of our liability.
“Links” to other websites
The website is not responsible for the content and services of other websites to which it refers via links, it does not guarantee their availability, nor does it promote or support in any way their use. These links are provided for your information only and, if selected by you, will lead you to other sites solely at your own risk. Problems that may arise during the use/visit of these other websites are exclusively within the area of responsibility of the respective websites, where you should revert to. It is your sole responsibility to be informed of the terms of use of these websites before you navigate thereto. The reference to other websites is for the user convenience and in no way creates any form of commitment for anyone.